Mineral Hall, Hyatt Regency Denver | April 9, 2010

Episode 10: Honoring the Sandhill Crane Migration Annual Literary Tribute

(Sherwin Bitsui, Cristina Eisenberg, Allison Hedge Coke, Travis Hedge Coke, Wang Ping, Laura Tohe) UNK hosts the Honoring the Sandhill Crane Migration Literary Retreat on the Platte Valley, naming participating writers as Literary Crane Fellows annually. Sandhill Cranes have migrated to this spring apex for sixty million years, thus, traditionally, numerous indigenous eco-philosophies and languages, including written, were justly influenced. The regional apex numbers 600,000 arriving birds. Each panelist will speak toward and share their work as a Crane Fellow in this unique regional miracle.

Published Date: September 24, 2010

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